Tips on how to change Your behavior:
- Use Strawerry straws :). Bags, bottles and other applicable everyday products should be reusable.
- Refuse disposable packaging, straws, and over-packaging. Keep reusable items and bags in hand.
- Decrease the use of packaged products in your daily consumption. Use thermoses, reusable food containers etc.
- Carry your own coffee cup, thermos or other reusable containers around and fill them with your bought foods and liquids.
- Choose digital :). Say no to CDs, DVDs, and other plastic-wrapped media.
- Evaluate your daily consumption, find alternatives and reduce the number of materials to be discarded.
- Choose recyclable products. If you really need to use plastic or foil, choose PETE or HDPE materials. They are largely recyclable. Avoid plastic bags, polystyrene foam products, and packaging.
- Volunteer at cleanup events.
- Support the banning of plastic bags and polystyrene packaging materials!
- Promote sustainable thinking.